Tom Keller May 19, 2021, 2:23 am | Carl Werner Honor the man that influenced hundreds of students! |
Tom Keller Oct 7, 2020, 6:30 am | Many of us remember Mr. Werner as our English teacher or superintendent of USD 297. Some though may not know about his work on the Cheyenne County Kansas Community Foundation (CCKCF). Through his generous donation, the St. Francis Educational Foundation Fund was created offering several scholarships to local students. To honor Mr. Werner’s dedication to the school and the community, CCKCF has named him as an Emeritus Board Member. If you would like to also honor Mr. Werner for his years of service, please consider making a donation to help grow the fund he help create. DONATE ONLINE HERE: Send a donation: CCKCF, PO Box 967, St. Francis, KS 67756 St. Francis Educational Foundation Fund Bill Keller, Class of 1968, will match up to $25,000, dollar for dollar to this fund in honor of Mr. Werner READ SALINA JOURNAL ARTICLE ABOUT MR. WERNER HERE: |
Tom Keller Oct 1, 2020, 6:34 am | The CCKCF updated its website, The foundation plans on aiding Cheyenne County for many years. Please check out our new website, We updated its format and provided current information on the work of the foundation. |
Tom Keller Apr 18, 2020, 8:42 pm | Jim Horton, Class 1963 contacted the alumni website administrator this week. He would like to contact classmates and individuals that may have known him and his family. He plans on attending the next reunion. Here his Jim's contact info: JIM and LAURA HORTON, 6820 State Hiway 34, lot 7, Woodward, Oklahoma 73801. (580) 334-7659. |
Jennifer K Padgett May 12, 2015, 2:50 pm | The St. Francis Community High School Class of 1989 has established a memorial scholarship fund in loving memory of our friend and classmate Kari Milliken. All are welcome to contribute. This memorial fund provides financial assistance for SFCHS seniors who can demonstrate the following: active community involvement, leadership achievements, extracurricular activities, and academic achievements.This memorial fund provides financial assistance for SFCHS senior(s) who can demonstrate the following: active community involvement, leadership achievements, extracurricular activities, and academic achievements. We anticipate a minimum $500 scholarship provided each year in Kari's name to a SFCHS senior(s) who will attend college or a university. Your contributions are appreciated. Thank you! Contact Information: Kari Milliken Gilliland Memorial Scholarship c/o Western State Bank Po Box 1102 St. Francis, KS 67756 Ph.: (785)332-3100 |
Tom Keller Oct 6, 2014, 10:11 pm | June V. (Fredrickson) Schneider, Class of 1940, died 9-17-2014, age 92. Widow of Darren B. Schneider, Class of 1940 from Karen Maier (daughter of June Schneider) Please consider a memorial to the community of a deceased alumni's youth. Memorial's can be made in the name of an alumni to one of the funds of the St. Francis Community Foundation, at |
System Admin Mar 3, 2014, 10:35 pm | Take a Quick 5 Question Survey Online. Your input needed to plan 2014 reunion. |
Tom Keller Nov 20, 2013, 6:46 pm | The SFHS Alumni Association will be reorganized. The 2014 reunion is scheduled for June 21, 2014. Contact your class representatives or leave a message on this web site with activities that would attract you to attend the reunions your class celebrates honor years, as well as, other years. |
Carl M. Werner Jun 16, 2013, 2:19 am | Come on, St. Francis Alumni! It is time to step-up and get registered on this St. Francis Alumni website. It is easy, free, and takes only a few minutes. Just click on "Membership" in the sidebar and take it from there. We wamt you ALL to be registered on here! Please and thank you! Mr. Werner |
Tom Keller Apr 30, 2012, 6:42 pm | YOU NOW HAVE ACCESS TO ALL THE SENIOR PICTURES FROM 1959 THROUGH 2011 IF YOU ARE REGISTERED AS AN ALUMNUS OR PRESENT OR FORMER FACULTY MEMBER. You also have access to yearbooks as they are uploaded to the website. The uploaded yearbooks to date are: 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1992, 2002 & 2011 |
Tom Keller Apr 27, 2012, 9:19 pm | Alumni are encouraged to post information and photos of parents or grandparents that were SFHS alumni but have no email address. Register for them via your email address, enter their information. One can also enter data on deceased alumni family members by using one's email address. Be sure to click the deceased box when entering data. |
Tom Keller Apr 10, 2012, 5:22 am | After registering, if you forget your password, email an administrator and your password can be reset. |
System Admin Dec 18, 2011, 4:50 pm | For the moderators, or anyone who is interested in becoming a moderator, I have posted a video of the Dec 14th meeting. In it we discuss the administration functions of the site, and cover some of the responsibilities of being a moderator. |
System Admin Dec 17, 2011, 7:22 pm | You now have the option to write a post on the home page which can be seen by anyone visiting the site! Simply go to your bulletin board page, write your post, and choose where you want the post to be seen, the home page, your year specific bulletin board, or both. Also, if you want to add a link to an external web page, there is a place to add that link. Just type in the web address in the appropriate field when adding your bulletin board post. |